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June 01 2006 By virtueonline A TALE OF TWO BISHOPS: Clarity on Homosexuality Could Lead to Schism

He told a national Latimer Fellowship conference in Christchurch that the real reason this is a make or break issue has to do with the teachings of the Bible. "The biblical ideal of sexual relationships specifically excludes same-sex relationships. The biblical teaching makes this a matter of spiritual life and death. That is crystal clear from both the Old and New Testaments," he said.

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May 30 2006 By virtueonline NUMBERS, NUMBERS, NUMBERS!

To make that happen, the Rev. Canon David Roseberry has organized a cadre of orthodox clergy voices, 1,000 plus, from 83 dioceses who have not bowed the knee to 815, 2nd avenue in New York, and they have signed a petition urging ECUSA's bishops not to approve any more gay bishops or bless same-sex unions.

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May 28 2006 By virtueonline CALIFORNIA: Bishop-Elect Andrus Had Confidentiality Agreement When Curate in PA

When VOL first learned of the story in 2001 (after Andrus had left Redeemer,) I phoned the bishop in Alabama to ask about the charges. At the time Andrus broke down and said this was a horrible time in his life and please spare me this embarrassment. VOL did not pursue the story.

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May 24 2006 By virtueonline No Two-Track Church to Heal Divisions, Says ACC Leader

"The potential for a covenant arrangement to entail a difference between those who might wish to sign and those who might not is recognized as a complication, and consideration of this challenge will have to form part of that exploration," he wrote. "That is a long way indeed from saying that the Communion is preparing for a two-tier approach and further still from saying that the Archbishop of Canterbury backs it."

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May 22 2006 By virtueonline NEWARK: Episcopal Church's Leading Sodomite Advocate Promotes Same-Sex Rite

"We, A.B. and C.D., desiring to receive the blessing of Holy Matrimony in the Church, do solemnly declare that we hold marriage to be a lifelong union of (husband and wife deleted) two persons as it is set forth in the Book of Common Prayer.

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May 22 2006 By virtueonline What Witness Will We Make? A response

The answer is a matter of faith. We witness to what we believe, he says.

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May 18 2006 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: "Two Weeks of Camp Equals One Year of Sunday School," says bishop

She said: "So, the next time you see a Sunday school teacher, thank them for spending their time with your sons and daughters. As teachers, we are planting seeds of knowledge without knowing how they will grow. We hope the lessons they are exposed to and learn will aid in their spiritual growth as they blossom into adulthood. To help insure that will happen, we need to tend to them regularly in our parish setting and nurture them as seedlings while cutting back on the fertilizer."

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May 17 2006 By virtueonline SEWANEE, TN: 18 Faculty Demand Changes to University of South Purpose Statement

The Purpose Statement now reads: "The University of the South is an institution of the Episcopal Church dedicated to the increase of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, pursued in close community and in full freedom of inquiry, and enlightened by Christian faith in the Anglican tradition, to the end that students may be prepared to search for truth, seek justice for all, preserve liberty under law, and serve God and humanity."

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May 16 2006 By virtueonline LONDON: Panel of Reference to Hear Canada/US Cases

Three representatives, two clergy and one lay person, offered to meet with panel members last week in London to discuss their application for Adequate Episcopal Oversight through the Anglican Network in Canada, said Cheryl Chang, Executive Director of ANIC. Present with her was the Rev. David Short, rector of St. John's Shaughnessy, in Vancouver, BC, the largest Anglican church in Canada, and the Rev. Stephen Leung from the Church of the Good Shepherd also in Vancouver.

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May 15 2006 By virtueonline WYOMING: Parish's Slow Death Symptomatic of ECUSA's Moral Decline

That was in 1998. Then, St. Mark's was the largest attended parish in the whole Diocese of Wyoming. Now it is a church in decline. Today it is a mere shadow of its former self. A call to the church office revealed that Sunday attendance at services range from a little over 100 on a good Sunday down to the low twenties on a bad Sunday. Two services have now been consolidated into one.

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