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April 28 2006 By virtueonline NORTH CAROLINA: Bishop demands 'Declaration of Interest' on Parish Properties

In the "Declaration" Bishop Curry mentioned Church of the Holy Comforter (Episcopal), St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and any and all other churches now, or in the future, which are in union with the Diocese."

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April 24 2006 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Standing Committee Again calls on Bennison to Resign

"We strongly disapprove of this drawdown. We will ask the help of the Chancellor in establishing procedures to insure that draw downs will not happen again without proper consultation."

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April 23 2006 By virtueonline SAN DIEGO: Bishop Incites Fear and Loathing in Clergy

A. Articles of Incorporation
B. Parish By-laws
C. Any operable letters of agreement of employment agreements between clergy and the wardens and vestry of the parish or any other representative body however named.
D. Title (including Deeds and other documents which affect title) to all real property.
E. Balance sheet for fiscal year 2004, 2005, and a balance sheet as of March 31, 2006.
F. Evidence of appropriate Surety Bond as required by canons.

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April 21 2006 By virtueonline OPPRESSION: THE NEW ECUSA MANTRA

Oppression has become the new ECUSA mantra.

This was aptly articulated recently by the Rev. Jayne Oasin, a social justice officer for the Episcopal Church, USA when she said that "to consider there to be only one truth is to me a form of oppression."

Presumably then that when Jesus said He was "THE way, THE truth and THE life," he himself would be charged with oppressive dogmatism, because Ms. Oasin says so.

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April 20 2006 By virtueonline ECUSA: Emerging Orthodox Lay Group Sets Sights on Heretical Bishops

The movement is being led by activist Episcopal layman Jim Ince who attends All Saints in Chevy Chase, Maryland in the ultra-liberal Diocese of Washington. He describes himself as a cradle Episcopalian whose roots in the church go back to 1632.

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Dr. Lancaster, the author of works on Jewish history, has a daughter who lives very near the site of the suicide bombing, and her work involves trying to help the Palestinians.

Carey recently told The Jerusalem Post that he was "ashamed to be an Anglican" following a vote by the Church of England to disinvest from companies whose products are used by the Israeli government in the territories.

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April 16 2006 By virtueonline CENTRAL NEW YORK:Judge reserves decision in $4.35 million lawsuit against bishop

Named in the lawsuit was the alleged pedophile priest Fr. Ralph Johnson now living in Gibson, Pennsylvania. According to an eyewitness report the judge showed considerable interest in the now resigned diocesan administrator's breaking into Bollinger's personal accounts.

Bollinger's wife Kelly is also claiming $250,000 as part of the lawsuit for "wrongful and tortuous conduct of the defendants, loss of services and consortium with her husband" thus impairing his health.

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April 10 2006 By virtueonline ECUSA Special Commission Report is Gigantic Fudge

The Special Commission included 11 resolutions to be debated by the 75th General Convention at its meeting June 13-21 in Columbus, Ohio and the 14 folk who worked on them were either out and out liberals or openly revisionist.

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April 05 2006 By virtueonline AKINOLA: "Robinson Consecration has torn fabric of Communion"

"As you know one consequence of this has been the isolation and alienation of a growing number of Nigerian and other Anglicans. In response to this the Church of Nigeria has established CANA (a Convocation for Anglicans in North America) to provide pastoral care for those Anglicans who are unable to find a spiritual home in the Episcopal Church during these difficult times.

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April 04 2006 By virtueonline ECUSA: Bishops May Face Consequences If They Proceed With More Gay Consecrations

He had this to say: "As I listen to those other parts of the Communion that I know best, that any further consecration of those in a same sex relationship; any authorization of any person to undertake same sex blessings; any stated intention not to seriously engage with The Windsor Report -- will be read very widely as a declaration not to stay with the Communion as it is, or as the Windsor Report has articulated a vision...of how it wishes to be."

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