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VOL Exclusive
May 10 2006 By virtueonline CALIFORNIA: Sex Abuse Victims Warn Episcopal Leadership about Abusive Priest

When VOL spoke to Bennison he said, "Bishop Swing is my ecclesiastical authority and I am not going to respond to you."

Joelle Casteix of Newport Beach, CA, is Southwest Regional Director of SNAP (Survivors' Network of those Abused by Priests) accused the Episcopal Diocese of California of a cover up in the Episcopal Church in California and wrote VOL.

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May 10 2006 By virtueonline FLORIDA: Diocese reels from lost parishes, bishop's heavy hand and sex scandal

"The diocese is in free fall," an orthodox rector told VirtueOnline. "Parishes are leaving the diocese, with many of the smaller parishes now being run by non-stipendiary priests; his largest cardinal parishes are mostly gone." He still has the cathedral and Christ Church Ponte Vedra and their giving has increased. He still has some heavy hitters but they won't be enough to keep it all going, he said.

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May 09 2006 By virtueonline WASHINGTON: IRD Rips Bishop Chane Over "Gospel Of Intolerance" Remarks

Writing in the Post, Chane said this: "Archbishop Peter J. Akinola, primate of the Church of Nigeria and leader of the conservative wing of the communion, recently threw his prestige and resources behind a new law that criminalizes same-sex marriage in his country and denies gay citizens the freedoms to assemble and petition their government."

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May 07 2006 By virtueonline CALIFORNIA: Diocese Elects Heterosexual Pro-Gay bishop

"Your vote today remains a vote for inclusion and communion -- of gay and lesbian people in their full lives as single or partnered people, of women, of all ethnic minorities, and all people," Andrus said by telephone over the cathedral's public address system to members after being told of his election. "My commitment to Jesus Christ's own mission of inclusion is resolute."

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May 05 2006 By virtueonline AMBRIDGE, PA: TESM President Target of Gay Wrath

In an exchange of e-mails with VirtueOnline, Dr. Zahl refused, saying that his comment appears to have "caught them in the act".

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May 04 2006 By virtueonline MONTANA: Bishop Brookhart and AAC President Face Off Over "Division & Schism"

"They believe that the church has gone wrong in regard to sexual ethics, so that they need to separate from the Episcopal Church. This stands in clear contradiction to the teaching of the New Testament, where unity is a cardinal virtue for Christians, even in the face of doctrinal and ethical disagreements. Also, the ordained people who joined this chorus of division are in clear contradiction of their ordination vows," wrote the bishop.

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May 03 2006 By virtueonline NEW ORLEANS: Episcopal Rector Describes Ongoing Horror of Katrina

Owing to circumstances beyond his control, he and his wife Stacy and their three children were forced to leave the country, their visas revoked, and through an invitation by Bishop Charles Jenkins of Louisiana he came to New Orleans and took the stately old parish of Annunciation.

Little did he know that he and his family were jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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May 02 2006 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Open Forum on Bennison Reveals Camp Wapiti Disaster

Wood said that Bishop Charles E. Bennison has continued to refuse to resign or retire and "that he has the canonical right to refuse". He also said that Bennison has not agreed to "mediation" as no one has asked him, but he only wants to talk about "reconciliation." Laney said, "we don't want to demonize anyone"(which means no presentment). However issues of trust were again raised about Bennison's running of the diocese and his dealings with people.

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May 02 2006 By virtueonline Left Wing Episcopal Journalists Launch Massive Attack on Orthodox

In a two-part series "Follow the Money" in The Washington Window, the newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, editor James Naughton excoriates the network of conservative groups, "their donors and the strategy that has allowed them to destabilize the Episcopal Church...The groups represent a small minority of church members, but relationships with wealthy American donors and powerful African bishops have made them key players in the fight for the future of the Anglican Communion to

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April 29 2006 By virtueonline LA CRESCENTA, CA: Los Angeles Diocese Sues to Seize Property. Parish Responds

The lawsuit arrived at the parish late Friday (4/28/2006) where it was received by the rector and Dr. Tim Kelly the senior warden. This is the fourth orthodox parish in the diocese to leave the diocese and the ECUSA this year. The other three are St. James, Newport Beach, All Saints Church, Long Beach, and St. David's Church, North Hollywood.

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