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January 17 2006 By virtueonline AMiA Leader Announces Bold Approach to reach 130 million unchurched Americans

He offers a biblical vision for church life and drops ideas in rapid fire form like, 'worship is... God's presence, God's purposes, God's pardon and God's power.'

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January 15 2006 By virtueonline BIRMINGHAM, AL: AMiA Bishop Offers Model For Anglican Communion Covenant

BIRMINGHAM, AL. (1/14/2006)--There is a race on in the Anglican Communion to produce the first draft of a suitable covenant to bind the churches of the Anglican Communion together as called for by the Windsor Report.

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January 15 2006 By virtueonline BIRMINGHAM, AL: Orthodox Canadian Anglicans Find Permanent Place in Realignment

The Rev. Ed Hird, Communications Director for the ACiC and rector of St. Simon's Church North Vancouver said, "It is a new day for us. We are finally free. The Anglican Church of Canada usurped our buildings and we left in unity with our people and we are free to worship without distraction."

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January 13 2006 By virtueonline BIRMINGHAM, AL: Central African Primate Blasts ECUSA & Rips Church of England

"They [ECUSA] think they are clever and we are ignorant. They believe that they can say one thing and do another and we will be confused and fooled. However, those of us who walked through ECUSA and Canada know what it is really like.

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January 13 2006 By virtueonline BIRMINGHAM, AL: Anglican Primates Laud AMiA at Winter Conf. Opening Eucharist

"We are to witness the life giving work of God in our midst. We are not the dissenters, we are not causing disunity; we are the unity that God expresses in our soul," said the soon to retire Archbishop who was honored for his start-up role in the formation of the Anglican Mission in America in Amsterdam in 2000.

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January 09 2006 By virtueonline MICHIGAN: First Orthodox Parish leaves Liberal Diocese

Fr. Kannapell told VirtueOnline that he got a call on Friday afternoon from the bishop and was told to meet him on Saturday in his office to discuss his situation.

"He said he would inhibit me if I didn't come." Kannapell prayed about it and then went down "not out of fear but a chance to talk." He took with him his wife, a lawyer and his senior warden.

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January 09 2006 By virtueonline ECUSA: New Darkness Descends Over Denomination As Church Heads to GC2006

When a priest in his diocese, a Rev. Phil Ashey said he was leaving the diocese and the Episcopal Church, Lee stated that Mr. Ashey had renounced his priesthood. Ashey denied the renunciation, saying that he had merely resigned from the Diocese of Virginia, but had not renounced the priesthood.

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January 05 2006 By virtueonline 2005: THE YEAR IN REVIEW

In the Episcopal Church, in more than a dozen dioceses, large orthodox parishes snubbed their noses at revisionist bishops, lawyered up, and proceeded to walk away - some with their properties, some without -- but determined once and for all that they would walk apart from a church that had lost its spiritual way.

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January 02 2006 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: St James the Less loses on appeal to PA Supreme Court

Earlier, the Commonwealth Court found that four vestry persons, Karl H. Spaeth, Gary E. Sugden, Becky S. Wilhoite and Robert Snead were liable to the diocese. Fr. David Ousley, parish rector is a not a party to the suit. Pennsylvania Bishop Charles E. Bennison could seek damages from the four vestry persons. One has already departed the parish.

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December 31 2005 By virtueonline MARYLAND: Episcopal Bishops allegedly ousted new Anglican Congregation

The majority of the parishioners were once members of St. John's Episcopal Church in Glyndon, Maryland, but left the church, the diocese and the Episcopal Church over the denomination's gradual slide over many years into a revisionist theology which embraces the culture rather than standing firm on historic Biblical Christianity as stated in the creeds.

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