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December 30 2005 By virtueonline MIDDLE EAST: Diocesan Convention Explodes over Possible Pro-Gay ECUSA ties

The Rev. Canon Suheil was recently elected Coadjutor Bishop of the Anglican Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East and will work alongside the current Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Riah Abu-Assal, for a period of two years before taking his place.

The source said one priest was stunned and appalled by the possibility of entering into an agreement with the pro-gay American Episcopal dioceses and publicly protested.

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December 28 2005 By virtueonline VANCOUVER, BC: Bishop grabs Japanese parish from departing orthodox priest

The revisionist Bishop of New Westminster, Michael Ingham immediately made a grab for Holy Cross Japanese Church, putting in two part time preachers following the departure of McDonald whose parish was a constituent member of the Anglican Communion in New Westminster (ACiNW), a coalition of 11 parishes who declared themselves out of communion with the Bishop and Synod of New Westminster after the bishop promoted and allowed same-sex blessings in his diocese.

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December 26 2005 By virtueonline NEW ORLEANS: An Episcopal Priest looks at the wrath of Katrina 120 days later

[b][i]VirtueOnline:[/b] What has happened to your parish family during that time and where is the parish at today?[/i]

[b]Kramer:[/b] Lord, what hasn't happened to us. Initially we were scattered from California to Minnesota to New Jersey. For the first month or so about half the parish was missing.

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December 20 2005 By virtueonline ECUSA: The House of Bishops - A Generation of Vipers

The revisionist bishop of Connecticut conducts a lightning raid on an evangelical parish on trumped up charges that the man was taking an unlawful sabbatical, grabs his personal computer, locks the doors, hires guards to watch the church, and forces a woman priest on the parish against the will of the vestry. Other orthodox parishes wait anxiously to see when the next shoe will drop.

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December 19 2005 By virtueonline BARNABAS FUND: Islam Remains Number One Danger to the Christian Church

VirtueOnline: What does the Barnabas Fund (BF) do?

Sookhdeo: It calls attention to the plight of Christian minorities particularly within the Islamic world. It looks at the persecution they are experiencing and seeks to make this known to the wider world. It calls upon the church to pray for, to identify with, and to be advocate for and support practically their suffering brothers and sisters.

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December 18 2005 By virtueonline SAN DIEGO, CA: Traditionalist Parish Leaves ECUSA for APA. Priest inhibited

Fr. Acker, who is also the Communications Director for Forward in Faith North America, told VirtueOnline that, "we have been accepted this week in the Anglican Province of America as a priest of the Diocese of the West. The congregation will this Sunday make a formal request to become a mission. This is the beginning of the realignment here in San Diego."

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December 13 2005 By virtueonline LAMBETH RESOLUTION: Ministering Pastorally to Homosexuals is Possible

It recognized "that there are among us persons who experience themselves as having a homosexual orientation. Many of these are members of the Church and are seeking the pastoral care, moral direction of the Church, and God's transforming power for the living of their lives and the ordering of relationships."

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December 11 2005 By virtueonline GRISWOLD AGONISTES

As he was escorted by the deputation from his diocese, (Chicago) Griswold greeted both houses in a joint session and drew on a quote from Roman Catholic bishop Dom Helder Camara of South America: "The bishop belongs to all...Let no one be alarmed if I am seen with compromised and dangerous people on the left or the right. Let no one bind me to a group. My door, my heart, must be open to everyone, absolutely everyone."

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December 07 2005 By virtueonline ENGLAND: Advisor to Oxford Bishop Accused of Child Porn Offenses

At the arraignment Thomas, of Eastern Drive, Abingdon, Oxon., spoke only to confirm his name and address during the four-minute hearing. He was released on bail and ordered to return to the court on January 9.

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December 06 2005 By virtueonline CENTRAL AFRICA: English Cleric Rejected by Malawi Church for Bishop Post

VirtueOnline had received a number of private papers from a diocesan official in Malawi indicating that the Rev. Nicholas Henderson's candidacy did not have a prayer, despite vigorous assertions by the cleric that he was not gay, that his lodgers lived celibate lives in his vicarage and that he was orthodox in faith and morals.

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