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December 05 2005 By virtueonline PAWLEYS ISLAND, SC: Judge Blasts Both Sides in All Saints' Property Dispute

Also stepping into the breach was Pittsburgh Bishop Robert Duncan and leader of Common Cause. "He has asked both sides to meet at the table with prayer and good will asking that both sides attempt to find a way forward," said the Rev. Dow Sanderson president of the Standing Committee of the diocese of South Carolina.

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December 05 2005 By virtueonline ECUSA: Letter Reveals Griswold was Pro-Gay as Bishop of Chicago

Then Griswold says this. "First of all, if a person in the ordination process informs me that they are a homosexual, I feel no more need to exact from them a promise of life long celibacy that I do from persons who present themselves as presumed heterosexuals. I do, however, make it clear in our conversation that one's sexuality must be lived under the aeges of the gospel and that the cross is just as present in sexual dimensions of our humanity as it is in other areas of our lives."

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November 28 2005 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Diocese Rejects 2006 Budget, Mandatory Assessments.

It was a bitter blow to the revisionist bishop when a coalition of clergy and lay delegates to the diocese sent a clear message that Bennison's leadership had failed, trust had been lost, Diocesan finances were a mess, Camp Wapiti, viewed by many as a financial albatross around the diocese' neck, unrestrained spending yielding few results, and mounting legal fees over unresolved litigation.

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November 26 2005 By virtueonline ECUSA: Can Duncan's & Robinson's Worldviews Be Reconciled?

His article begins by saying that both men seem to have accepted the fact that the Anglican Communion is going to split and that there isn't a whole lot either of them can do about it.

But then he goes on to say that "the problem we Anglicans are facing is being caused by the bishops - our own as well as those elsewhere."

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November 24 2005 By virtueonline LONDON: Sacked Clergyman Appeals to Archbishop

Coekin has exercised his right of appeal to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams after being ordained in what was described as a "legal but irregular ordination" by a South African Bishop.

"It should be said that he is the de facto leader of the younger evangelicals, and attacking Coekin is, basically, taking on Evangelicalism. The Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Tom Butler, is too intelligent not to know this," said the source.

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November 24 2005 By virtueonline MASSACHUSETTS: Bishop Shaw Celebrates Eucharist at Gay Society Wedding

"Stan thought it was a very bizarre gay date, but we were both interested in theology," said Finley, 35 and a candidate for ordination in the Episcopal Church. "When the monk came by with the holy water I saw Stan take what I assumed was a deep and profoundly pious bow. Later I realized it was because he was wearing a suede waistcoat which he didn't want to get stained," he told the Times.

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November 23 2005 By virtueonline FLORIDA: Orthodox Rector Receives Pastoral Directive from Florida Bishop

VirtueOnline obtained a copy of the letter from a source in the diocese in which Howard tells Pascoe to "retract in full your statement concerning funding of this new congregation as outlined in the October 27, 2005 letter and to inform each donor to this fund that contributions do not have my permission, blessing or acquiescence.

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November 20 2005 By virtueonline NEW WESTMINSTER: Bishop and Diocesan Leadership Out to Crush Orthodox Anglicans

ESSENTIALS sees itself as the theological and spiritual rallying point for historic Christian orthodoxy in the Anglican Church of Canada and calls on the Canadian church to embrace and live by its orthodox Christian heritage.

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November 19 2005 By virtueonline WASHINGTON, D.C.: Seventeen Orthodox Laypersons Blast Bishop Chane

"It is interesting that you perceive discipline under church canons as something that applies not to you or your fellow bishops who have wrought destruction on our church and put the Anglican Communion itself in crisis, but are the first to cry foul to the Archbishop of Canterbury when good and faithful Biblical Anglicans decide to plant a small parish across town."

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