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July 13 2005 By virtueonline SW FLORIDA: Bishop Lipscomb Says Episcopalians Face A Choice

Lipscomb prayed that the Episcopal Church could walk together "bearing witness to the transforming grace of God in Jesus Christ [but] if we cannot walk together, I pray that we will be gracious to one another for the sake of the Gospel. Whatever our individual decisions must be, let us bear witness to the transforming power of God that will one day renew and restore all people to unity with God and with one another in Christ Jesus our Lord. Is this not the mission that we share?"

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July 12 2005 By virtueonline ECUSA: Integrity Organization Must Face Scientific Facts About Sexuality

Not only are their tens of thousands of former homosexuals and lesbians who have testified that change is possible, (many of whom are now married with children,) a new study argues that true bisexuality may not even exist.

A report in the New York Times, a bastion of liberal proclamation, headlined a story: "Straight, Gay or Lying? Bisexuality Revisited".

The story by Benedict Carey casts doubt on whether true bisexuality exists, at least in men.

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July 10 2005 By virtueonline Williams & Griswold Fall Short In Condemning London Bombings

One should be grateful that Dr. Williams did not conclude his peroration with his signature statement, "Incidents like this cause me to question the existence of God."

Nowhere does he identify the attackers - a fully-equipped, metastasized Western branch office of Al Qaeda, preferring instead to ignore the perpetrators for the kinder, gentler call of ecumenical niceness.

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July 09 2005 By virtueonline Opposing Views On Sexuality In North-South Debate

The second view, maintained by those in the liberal North is that the Bible has been used to support oppressive social conditions and patterns of behavior and to justify the unjustifiable like slavery, and sexism and therefore is no longer a reliable guide and should be abandoned for its "imperialism". That being the case the Bible should also not be seen as a reliable guide for its views on sodomy.

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July 06 2005 By virtueonline PHILADELPHIA: New Hope for Orthodox Priests in Court Ruling Against Bennison

The Court, however, rejected Bennison's argument and said that the case should proceed so that a full factual record is developed. This ruling should be valuable precedent for other orthodox priests being persecuted by revisionist bishops. It is a significant victory since it requires those bishops provide the documents and testimony that will show what really happened. Hopefully, there will be other similar decisions.

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July 05 2005 By virtueonline KENTUCKY: New Anglican Parish Formed in Elizabethtown

The congregation has come under the ecclesiastical authority of the Bishop of Bolivia, the Rt. Rev. Frank Lyons and will also affiliate itself with the Anglican Communion Network lead by Pittsburgh Bishop Robert Duncan.

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June 30 2005 By virtueonline ORLANDO, FL: REC & APA Meet In Historic Encounter To Engage Mission

The Federation document called the "Commitments for the Communion of Anglican Provinces, Jurisdictions, and Ministries in the Americas" closely parallels the Episcopal Church's orthodox Network, known as the NACDP - the Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes.

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June 29 2005 By virtueonline ST. LOUIS: Conservative ECUSA Bishops Gather to Uphold Windsor Report

A draft document did not emerge from the meeting, but it was agreed by all present that they would agree "to be loyal to the Anglican Communion as the Windsor Report sets out."

The gathering of mostly conservative bishops also included some who have never before come forward.

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June 25 2005 By virtueonline NOTTINGHAM: Global South Leaders Rip North Americans Over Homosexuality

"This continues to be our position of radical holiness. In this context I am personally disappointed at the presentations of ECUSA and Canada that we must embrace unholy sexual practices when a significant part of the ECUSA stands firmly with the rest of the Communion. Where was their voice why did we not hear their stories," he asked.

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June 24 2005 By virtueonline CENTRAL AFRICA PRIMATE: "CAPA Bishops Will Decide Anglican Future. Talk is Over"

In a wide-ranging interview with VirtueOnline, the Most Rev. Bernard Malango said the CAPA and Global South bishops have had enough of talking about homosexuality and when they meet in Alexandria in October they will bring finality to the situation. The Primate told VirtueOnline; "This is not just the voice of the Archbishop of Central Africa, I speak knowing what the Primates of the Global South think and they are of the same opinion."

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