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April 29 2005 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: The "Catholic Church" According To Charles Bennison

Orthodoxy, he said, represents a theological compromise or reduction made to include diversity.

The bishop blasted orthodox bishops willing to cross diocesan boundaries saying they "willfully violated the centuries-old consensus in place since the Council of Nicea that no bishop will enter the geographic bounds of another bishop's diocese without his or her permission."

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April 27 2005 By virtueonline SE ASIA: Borneo Death March Hailed In Window Of Remebrance

Once the surviving prisoners arrived in Ranau, they were put to work carrying 20 kg sacks of flour over very hilly terrain to Paginatan, over 40 kilometers away. By the end of July, 1945, there were no prisoners left in Ranau.

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April 23 2005 By virtueonline Asian Tigers For Christ, Young and Eager To Spread Message

Already the Province of Southeast Asia that incorporates Singapore, Sabah, Kuching and West Malaysia (the latter is an Anglo-Catholic stronghold) with churches in Indonesia, Thailand and Brunei, has swept passed the American Episcopal Church in terms of actual practicing Anglicans.

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April 22 2005 By virtueonline ROME: New Pontiff Is Wake Up Call to the Anglican Communion

The man who sat at the right hand of Pope John Paul II for more than 20 years as his doctrinal enforcer emerged the winner, the 265th in succession to St. Peter, but his election will bring little comfort to Dr. Rowan Williams the head of the Anglican Communion and even less to ECUSA's Presiding Bishop Frank T. Griswold.

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April 20 2005 By virtueonline ECUSA: Is The End in Sight for The Church's Orthodox?

The six will go. How they will go has now been determined - inhibition and deposition - what they will do is uncertain. Will they take their people to the AMIA or come under an overseas primate, or will they simply resign and look for different work we do not, as yet, know. But as Episcopal priests they are finished unless by some miracle they are picked up by an orthodox bishop. But such jobs are few and far between.

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April 17 2005 By virtueonline SABAH: Thousands Pack Churches. Many languages, many cultures - one gospel

Archdeacon Albert Vun, Tawau's leading Anglican cleric and one of four possible successors to Archbishop Yong Ping Chung when he retires, has placed me in a flat (apartment) in St. Patrick's compound. It is on the second floor and commands a view of the nearby city. He himself is in Thailand working on establishing an Anglican presence there.

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April 15 2005 By virtueonline SE ASIA: Signs & Wonders In Indonesia

Then she hears about some Anglican missionaries who have come from Malaysia that are meeting in a house. Perhaps they can help her. She is brought to the house where members of the church begin to pray over her. After prayer and counseling over many days she begins to improve. On the 5th day she is taught to call on the name of Jesus. She is still not a believer, but she does what she is told. Within hours she is completely healed. She confesses Christ. Her baby is restored to her.

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April 13 2005 By virtueonline SOUTHEAST ASIA: Archbishop's Message to Ordinands - "Go and Give Life"

Speaking to a packed All Saints cathedral in downtown Kota Kinabalu, in the Diocese of Sabah, the soon to retire bishop praised God for the newly ordained priests, their families who had raised them well, their commitment to Christ and to His mission to spread the gospel in and beyond the borders of Malaysia.

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April 08 2005 By virtueonline BRAZIL: Orthodox diocese looks to Williams Panel of Reference for help

VirtueOnline: You have said that one obstacle has been the lack of information about what is going on in Latin America by the Anglican press worldwide. Why is that so?

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April 04 2005 By virtueonline Pope John Paul II: "Do not be afraid"

And when all was said and done, he said quite simply, "Do not be afraid".

From the moment he was appointed pope in 1978, Karol Wojtyla was its youngest at 58, a Pope who would straddle two centuries. He was also its first Pole. At the time he was virtually unknown outside of Poland.

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