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May 11 2005 By virtueonline MIDLAND, TX: Bishop Ohl Reverses Himself - Now Condemns AAC and Network

"The Primates Communique of February had asked that we not send our representatives to the ACC. In my reflections following our March meeting, this was my main concern. It was my hope that Bishop Griswold would recommend to Executive Council that we not send our delegates, at least as voting members. You might also want to notice the signatories include more than the "usual suspects," and I understand that others have asked to sign on as well.

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May 10 2005 By virtueonline KANSAS: A Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing

The March/April issue of the diocesan newspaper The Harvest newspaper arrived on my desk this week filled with news of the departing Christ Church, Overland Park which voted to remove itself from the diocese and the ECUSA and come under the Province of Uganda and Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi.

The spin put out by a reporter called Melodie Woerman in the newspaper regarding the departure of Christ Church is appalling in its disinformation.

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May 06 2005 By virtueonline NEW YORK: Nigerian Priest Loses License in Diocese of Long Island

Returning again to the U.S. in 2000 Bishop Walker assigned him to be Assistant Rector at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Bushwick, Brooklyn where he served till 2003.

While at St. Thomas, Walker directed the Rev. Nduka to attend General Theological Seminary in New York where he completed a Diploma in Anglican Studies.

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May 05 2005 By virtueonline NORTHWEST TEXAS: Largest Parish In Diocese Flees ECUSA

St. Nicholas is an orthodox parish of about 500 members with 400 active members and a budget of nearly $500,000. It has the highest average attendance of Sunday worshippers in the diocese. The apportionment to the diocese is over $100,000. Their five year old building is valued at $3.5 million.

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May 05 2005 By virtueonline ECUSA: Griswold Sees Schism Coming From Within - "Diverse Center is Not Holding"

But the blessing of same-sex unions, and the whole pansexual enterprise has pushed ECUSA's evangelicals to the point where they have declared that the church's actions would "tear the fabric" of the 78-million strong Anglican Communion.

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May 03 2005 By virtueonline SEWANEE: Student Organization Pushes Honorary Degree For Gay Bishop

They argued that the University of the South has a long standing tradition of conferring upon graduates of both the School of Theology and the College of Arts and Sciences, who become Episcopal bishops the honorary degree Doctor of Divinity. Neither the Student Assembly nor the Gay-Straight Alliance has any official connection to the Episcopal Church.

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May 01 2005 By virtueonline CALIFORNIA: Revisionist Bishop Swing Gets Answers About Network

He welcomed my first question, "What is the Network really about?"

SALMON: It is, first of all, anchored in the Episcopal Church.

SWING: To paraphrase, he stated that it was an organized way for Episcopalians who disagree with the General Convention 2003 homosexual decisions to offer mutual support, to have their voices heard, and to stay in community with the Anglican Communion.

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April 29 2005 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: The "Catholic Church" According To Charles Bennison

Orthodoxy, he said, represents a theological compromise or reduction made to include diversity.

The bishop blasted orthodox bishops willing to cross diocesan boundaries saying they "willfully violated the centuries-old consensus in place since the Council of Nicea that no bishop will enter the geographic bounds of another bishop's diocese without his or her permission."

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April 27 2005 By virtueonline SE ASIA: Borneo Death March Hailed In Window Of Remebrance

Once the surviving prisoners arrived in Ranau, they were put to work carrying 20 kg sacks of flour over very hilly terrain to Paginatan, over 40 kilometers away. By the end of July, 1945, there were no prisoners left in Ranau.

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April 23 2005 By virtueonline Asian Tigers For Christ, Young and Eager To Spread Message

Already the Province of Southeast Asia that incorporates Singapore, Sabah, Kuching and West Malaysia (the latter is an Anglo-Catholic stronghold) with churches in Indonesia, Thailand and Brunei, has swept passed the American Episcopal Church in terms of actual practicing Anglicans.

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