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In this book "Understanding the Windsor Report" two theologians, one conservative; the other liberal, range across the issues the Report raises. The collaborative effort of the two men: The Rev. Dr. Paul F. M. Zahl, Dean and President of Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry and the Rev. Ian T. Douglas Professor of World Mission and Global Christianity at Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Mass face off over the issues the book raises.

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June 01 2005 By virtueonline CALIFORNIA: Rector Denies Uniqueness of Christ's Salvation Message for Humanity

He was speaking on the occasion of the installation of the new Dean of Washington National Cathedral the Rev. Samuel Lloyd.

"How one comes into a relationship with God has taken on a meaning that it did not have in my younger years."

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May 28 2005 By virtueonline ECUSA : Canon Law & Civil Law Increasingly Dominate Church News

Lawyers are part of the fabric of Episcopal Church life these days. Orthodox priests under siege by revisionist bishops have learned not to talk to their bishop, when summoned, without an attorney in tow. When you are dealing with purple bishops like Bennison or Smith or Bruno, take an attorney with you or face a bishop who may possibly lie under oath.

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May 24 2005 By virtueonline DIOCESE OF FLORIDA: Orthodox rolled over at Annual Convention

VirtueOnline called several orthodox priests in the diocese and this report is what follows.

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May 20 2005 By virtueonline PITTSBURGH: Anglo-Catholic Priest Resigns and goes to Rome

"A convert comes to learn," Newman wrote, "and not to pick and choose." It is now time for me to withdraw from the lists of controversy, enter into a spiritual posture of learning and docility, and submit my mind, heart, and soul to the teaching of our Lord through the Magisterium of his Church. It is time for me to abandon the private judgment of my Anglicanism and be reformed by the Catholic Faith in all of its fullness.

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May 20 2005 By virtueonline COMMUNION WILL SPLIT: "We Are In Trouble" says Irish Archbishop

There was a pause and he sat down. At that point the Primate from Pakistan the Rt. Rev. Dr. Alexander John Malik got to his feet and said, "Archbishop Hutchison I hope you don't mind that when we have the next Primate's meeting that I bring along my four wives. You see in my country the government has passed a law saying it is legal to have four wives. I take it you would have no objection. Clearly it is a justice issue."

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May 19 2005 By virtueonline Divided - Can We Stand?

"Berktold knows he's going to have to address the issue of Robinson, and he knows he has to do it carefully. He has his own opinions, and believes that the emergence of someone like Robinson was inevitable, that his promotion was a natural part of the church's evolution. He's not sure it's a good thing, but he likes the fact that Robinson has moved the discussion on gay rights and gay clergy from the theoretical to the tangible.

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May 17 2005 By virtueonline PANEL OF REFERENCE: Choice of Carnley Shows Contempt for Communion

While the panel members has yet to be announced, having one of the most flagrantly ultra-liberal Primates of the Anglican Communion to head it is a major slap in the face at the Global South and will do nothing to heal the wounds in the Episcopal Church where it's own pastoral oversight plan - DEPO has failed miserably to provide spiritual shelter for orthodox priests in revisionist dioceses.

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Blasting Connecticut Bishop Andrew Smith, Duncan said the infamous suicidal six (orthodox Episcopal priests) have stood and sounded the alarm, "they have struck a note all over the world that this counterfeit religion is being offered."

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Invoking history, the Rev. Martyn Minns, rector of Truro parish in Virginia said in his sermon that there was a tremendous irony in that the first bishop Samuel Seabury fought the legally established authorities of his time in order to preach the gospel, and now more than 200 years later the same issue has emerged again. "At the heart of the struggle then and now was a clear choice as to which gods do we serve."

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