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June 24 2005 By virtueonline NOTTINGHAM: Orthodox Reaction Strong To Council's Call For Discipline

As events have developed being thrown off two committees was not a big deal. The two North American churches which had been asked to withdraw from the Consultative Council over homosexuality did not contain Canadian or U.S. members and does not significantly isolate them further. It was a ploy by the left to make sure that Griswold and Hutchison still remain players and payers in the ACC.

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June 23 2005 By virtueonline NOTTINGHAM: SE Asian Delegate-"Sexuality Issue is Dragging Church to Slow Death"

He blasted the Episcopal and Canadian churches saying that those who insist on innovations and the inclusion of practices and doctrines rejected by the Bible need to realize that they are helping to drag the Church to a slow death. "If they cannot accept the true Biblical teaching as the right teaching of the Church, it will be more honest and respectable for them to walk away from the Church and form a community of their own."

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June 23 2005 By virtueonline NOTTINGHAM: Episcopal Church Reaffirms Position on Homosexuality

It would appear that the overwhelming differences will not be patched up and that schism is inevitable.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, called for a time of "listening" and reflection during the meeting, but it would seem that the divide is unbridgeable with statements from the archbishop himself that seemed to reinforce that view.

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June 22 2005 By virtueonline NOTTINGHAM: ECUSA & Canadians To Withdraw from Two ACC Committees

A second resolution proposed by a group of Global South orthodox delegates to the ACC said that the American Episcopal Church and the Canadian Anglican Church cannot be part of two committees - the Standing Committee and the Inter-Anglican Finance and Administration Committee leading up to the next Lambeth Conference.

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June 22 2005 By virtueonline NOTTINGHAM: Americans and Canadians Mingle Openly at ACC Meeting

And that's apparently what happened in the opening sessions of the ACC here in Nottingham. The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada were not barred from the opening sessions, and while there was an attempt to play musical chairs by not seating them directly with the other delegates, the two outlawed groups schmoozed publicly, met in private sessions and did their best to manipulate the outcome of the meetings.

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June 18 2005 By virtueonline TORONTO: Southern Cone Primate Lashes Liberals

Venables blasted liberal Anglicans saying, the full authority of the Anglican Communion rests on Holy Scripture. "Our authority is the Word of God. God has spoken is the foundation of all our doctrinal considerations. We do not go to scripture with doctrine. We go to Scripture to find doctrine. We do not find supporting texts for our causes. You have got to use the whole of Scripture for the whole of what God says. There must be no finding verses to support what we think."

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June 18 2005 By virtueonline TORONTO: Orthodox theologians weigh in on Anglican divisions

Packer urged the delegates to back the pan Anglican federation that is seeking to bring renewal in the Canadian Anglican Church and to honor the newly formed Network and Federation.

Packer praised the 11 years the ESSENTIALS have held together as it brought together Evangelicals and Anglo-Catholics, Charismatics and anti-Charismatics, "cautious Maritimers and wild westerners from British Columbia in a fellowship of increasing strength."

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June 17 2005 By virtueonline TORONTO: Orthodox Canadian Anglicans Launch New Organization

In addition two other organizations: Essentials Federation and the Anglican Network in Canada (the Essentials Network) were also launched to provide a lifeboat for orthodox Anglicans in what has become one of the most liberal provinces in the Anglican Communion that has seen the open persecution of orthodox priests by revisionist bishops.

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June 16 2005 By virtueonline PITTSBURG: Anglican Global Initiative Document May Not Be Genuine

The PEP press release revealed that the new organization called Anglican Global Initiative shows a constitution with decision-making synods uniting Global South with North American networks, dioceses, convocations, parishes and congregations, especially those in need of alternative episcopal oversight.

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June 15 2005 By virtueonline ECUSA: Church Membership Plummets As Clergy Numbers Soar

The number of actual new baptisms reported in 2001was 52,535 but by 2003 that number had dropped to 49,316 a loss of 3,219.

From 1965 to the end of 2003, the number of clergy increased from 10,309 to 17,174, an increase of 6,865 or 67 percent, an astronomical climb even as parishioners were leaving and new converts failed to materialize.

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