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April 04 2011 By virtueonline ARKANSAS: The Delusional World of Episcopal Bishop Larry Benfield

Bishop Benfield: The openly gay Michael Briggs is as evangelical a member of the clergy as we have in this diocese. I have the feeling that evangelism is in his DNA. He and his spouse Tim are active in the life of St Mark's Church in Jonesboro. We will see Jesus in the face of Michael and the people of Jonesboro who want good news in their lives.

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March 31 2011 By virtueonline Bishops discuss Covenant: Live tweeting shut down over confidentiality issues

The irony is delicious. TEC's General Convention has voted to give metropolitan powers to PB Katharine Jefferts Schori, thus tying a silk chord around their own [bishops] necks. Yet, here they are having fits about a Covenant that Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, wants in an attempt to draw us altogether in one big happy, undivided Anglican family.

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March 31 2011 By virtueonline BREAKING NEWS...SAN JOAQUIN: Judge denies consolidation of all cases

Not an inexpensive undertaking...their court costs just multiplied tremendously."

MORE when it becomes available...

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March 29 2011 By virtueonline TEC: Tread softly for you tread on my neck

The bishop dropped more morsels in this one blunt statement than all the high sounding ecclesiastical nonsense that usually emanates from these bishops' gabfests.

Then Epting exclaimed, "Wow. For the new bishops: welcome to your new role."

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March 29 2011 By virtueonline The Episcopal Church: The Way of Balaam

In June of the previous year in the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, twin boys were baptized in a ceremony that used Jewish and Muslim blessings.

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March 25 2011 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Fight Brewing Between Bishop and Diocesan Leaders over Camp Wapiti

The property was purchased for $9.5 million. Delegates to the 2008/225th Diocesan Convention resolved to sell the multi-million dollar diocesan Camp Wapiti in Maryland. The camp has already cost the diocese $6.7 million with another $3 million needed to pay off the loan. "We need nearly $10 million," said the Diocesan Treasurer Kylius Jones. The cost to maintain it is approximately $300,000 a year. A new appraisal later said it is worth $10,800,000.

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March 24 2011 By virtueonline Two-Thirds of All Episcopal Parishes Face Serious Financial Hurdles, Study Shows

"Wanting to grow is related to growth, but does not ensure growth," Hadaway wrote in the 2010 survey summary. "However, not caring about growth nearly ensures decline."

Despite the shrill cries that the consecration of V. Gene Robinson, an openly avowed non-celibate homosexual to the episcopacy, would see a major influx of homosexuals into the Episcopal Church, it has not materialized.

Serious conflict racks the Church

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March 23 2011 By virtueonline NORRISTOWN, PA: Judge Delays Summary Judgment Against Anglo-Catholic Priest

The Diocese is seeking a ruling that would see Fr. Moyer and his vestry tossed out of the Church of the Good Shepherd and replaced by a priest and vestry of similar theological convictions but still committed to staying in The Episcopal Church.

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March 22 2011 By virtueonline TAC: The Unhappy Anglican House of Archbishop John Hepworth

The Pope's offer to orthodox Anglicans, however, has produced unintended consequences.

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March 18 2011 By virtueonline Episcopal Presiding Bishop “Revises” Her Online Biography at Wikipedia

When asked who Matisse-412 is, the source responded, “I prefer not to name who that is…It is correcting items that are wrong.”

The offending section of the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church's reads thus:

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