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December 06 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Four Primates Reject Bennison at ARD Fundraiser

The event was to officially kickoff the Anglican Relief and Development (ARD) fund a new agency formed to channel giving from Anglican donors in the U.S. to Anglican churches in the economically poorer countries of the Anglican Communion.

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December 05 2004 By virtueonline Engineering Truth Is At Heart Of Anglican Communion Tragedy

One bishop told this newspaper: “It is a chance for us to air things ahead of the House of Bishops’ meeting in January. We want to approach that meeting in a spirit of togetherness so that we are able to have fruitful discussions.”

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December 04 2004 By virtueonline UGANDA: Archibishop Orombi Says Anglican Communion Could Stay Together

"I believe when we meet we will define our faith in clear terms and around that definition we will either agree or disagree. If it is faith in the living Lord Jesus Christ and the expression of that faith is around repentance and faith we will welcome it. We will have a reasoned debate about where our faith stands and then we will decide how to proceed."

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December 02 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Legal Documents - The Third Amended Complaint in Moyer v. Bennison

The following PDF formatted 144 pages is very large, almost 5 Mbytes and I would ask your patience when downloading it.

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December 01 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Bennison Crosses Diocesan Lines And Attacks Freedom Of The Press

Because Bennison is subpoenaing this writer, VirtueOnline intends to look more closely at what is going on in the litigation and report it to the whole church.

In that litigation, when Bennison was finally compelled to produce documents to Fr. Moyer's attorneys, he obtained a "Confidentiality Order" allowing him to keep secret most of the documents he produced. Bennison cited VirtueOnline as the primary object of the "Confidentiality" Order.

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November 30 2004 By virtueonline FLORIDA: Bishop John Howard Fires Evangelical Woman Priest

A copy of the termination letter given to the Rev. Kalis was obtained by VirtueOnline from an anonymous source. In the letter, four areas of concern were cited that lead to the irreparable break between her and the bishop.

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November 27 2004 By virtueonline CANTERBURY vs. NIGERIA: The Clash of the Titans

The skirmishing and shots fired on both sides has been going on for several months now, but the guns are growing bigger and louder and there are every indication that it will erupt into total war when all the Primates gather together in Ireland next February.


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November 24 2004 By virtueonline MICHIGAN: Episcopal Women Shamelessly Bare Breasts For Charity

"The calendar from the 'Belles of St. Mary' is the last straw for me. When I saw the brochure I thought the photos could very nicely fit into Playboy. That magazine sells because it has photos of naked women. Does anyone doubt that the "Belles of St. Mary Calendar" would not have sold quite as well had it also not been for pictures of naked women? In the end it is photos of naked women's bodies being used as objects."

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November 23 2004 By virtueonline Homoerotic Poetry & Liturgy Fills Episcopal Cyberspace

"I have seen glistening men, hirsute or smooth,
but no alluring luster's in his face.
And I've known even yokels less uncouth
clutching their men in graceless long embrace."

"I like to hear my lover's tuneful shower,
but any glories there are merely myths,
for though his songs indeed my spunk empower,
the truth is that he all too often lithps."

"And yet I swear my man's to me more real
than hunky clones who, unrehearsed, can't feel."

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November 23 2004 By virtueonline ECUSA is the Spoiled Child of the Anglican Communion

Minns, who was in Lagos for the All Africa bishops meeting, said that most of those present think that ECUSA is the spoiled child in the Anglican Communion and that the rest of the communion will not follow.

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