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November 02 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Standing Committee Leaders Blast Bishop Bennison

"Our concern for the finances also extends to the endowments and unrestricted net assets. Money from these accounts (principal and interest) is being used for a portion of the 4 “C”s. As these funds are being used for these purposes, the lingering question is “How much and at what rate, will we be drawing down the money which is presently available for other worthy mission and ministry projects, like our commitment to the poor and marginalized”.

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November 01 2004 By virtueonline CENTRAL PA: Orthodox Priest Forced To Resign By Revisionist Bishop

The parish became aware of Fr. Williams's resignation in the last October issue of the parish's newsletter, THE MESSENGER. A letter from the senior warden Peter Bower dated October 24 informed the parish of clergy who will be supplying in November. He also said he was resigning in good conscience, "since I cannot continue to work or worship under his [Bishop Creighton's] direction."

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November 01 2004 By virtueonline LAGOS: Congo Province needs support to break ties with the Episcopal Church

The Conference of Anglican Provinces in Africa have severed their relationship with the ECUSA over its ordination of a non-celibate gay bishop and for endorsing same-sex relationships.

Fide’le, however, said that his province was opposed to homosexuality explaining the "if anyone extends aid to us on condition that it should be used to promote homosexuality in our country, we would reject it".

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October 30 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Parish Priests Practice Pagan Eucharistic Ceremony

Melnyk insists that the shell he wears is the ancient Christian symbol of Baptism, and is quite well-known as the Symbol of St. James, for whom our parish is named."

However, on the Druid board on February 24, 2004, Melnyk wrote about his shell:

"I, personally, do not wear a cross unless it is a solar cross. Often I wear a silver shell, which most Christians I meet think is a symbol of Baptism, but which, for me, also represents Athena!"

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October 29 2004 By virtueonline ECUSA: Lambeth Commission Representative Denies Persecution of Orthodox

According to a report in TOUCHSTONE magazine an unnamed UK bishop on the Eames Commission revealed that the purpose of the Windsor Report was to 'come down hard' on the 'backward' Africans!

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October 29 2004 By virtueonline BETHLEHEM, PA: Orthodox Rector Resigns, Cites Conscience

"As currently constituted our parish is an anachronism, striving to retain vestiges of a faith abandoned by the institution of which we are a part."

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October 27 2004 By virtueonline LAGOS: Williams absent at African Bishops conference

Cannon Herman Browne designated as a guest from Canterbury is however attending the conference with other guests from United Kingdon and United States.

They include Bishop John Chew of South East Asia, Bishop Bob Duncan, (ECUSA) Canon Martyn Minns, (ECUSA), the Rev. Canon Oge Beauvoir
(USA), Rev Cannon Ellis Brust (ECUSA).

Primate Akinola thanked them for their most valued support and personal presence at the conference.

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October 26 2004 By virtueonline WESTERN NY: Orthodox Priest Suspended Over Harassment Compaint Against Dean

"What happened to Fr. Howson was not right," Fleming told Virtuosity. Howson could not speak to the press because of the lawsuit, but Virtuosity has learned the following from others familiar with the case.

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October 26 2004 By virtueonline BRAZIL: Bishop Explains Diocesan Crisis & Broken Province

Virtuosity spoke with Bishop Cavilcanti about the crisis he faces.

VIRTUOSITY: Would you explain bishop a little of the history of how things arrived at the impasse that they have today?

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October 25 2004 By virtueonline IS IT ALL OVER FOR THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION?

For the world's orthodox Anglican believers though it is nothing short of The Great Betrayal. The hope that at last justice would be done, that relief would be on its way for beleaguered orthodox parishes and dioceses did not come true. It was betrayal of the worst kind, done by all the charm of an Indian snake charmer, in this case by an Irishman known for his ability to charm everyone into stupefaction. He succeeded.

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