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November 09 2004 By virtueonline SOUTH CAROLINA: Orthodox Bishop Blasts Lambeth Commission Ecusa Envoy

This claim comes from one who left the Roman Catholic Church for the Anglican Communion whose very identity is based on the doctrinal issue of biblical faith that resulted in separation from Roman Catholicism at the Reformation. Obviously Mark has left Rome for no reasons of faith and doctrine. It is something of a puzzle as to his reason when he claims that issues of doctrine can never justify separation. It is an impossible position for authentic Anglicans to take.

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November 09 2004 By virtueonline Evangelical Triumphalism: A Cautionary Note

Evangelicals have blind spots; they can be very thin theologically and historically forgetful.

When Ronald Reagan ran away with the White House after defeating the evangelical Jimmy Carter a new day was heralded for evangelicals - they would bring the nation back to God and all would be well. Liberalism in faith and politics would die out, the nation would return to righteousness, revival would break out, and much more.

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November 07 2004 By virtueonline WESTERN LOUISIANA: Bishop will not compromise Faith with ECUSA leadership

"I will be faithful to that process, and have called upon the diocese to be faithful to this process, but if ECUSA as we know it rejects the Anglican Communion's demands for change and starts down a separate path from that of the majority of the Communion, I will seek alignment with an alternative structure as would be provided through the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglican Consultative Council." Ultimately that is a decision the diocese would have to make at a special convention, he

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November 07 2004 By virtueonline ECUSA: The Failure Of Revisionist Bishops

At the end, though it may still be some way off in the future, the whole Episcopal Church enterprise will fall to the ground because you cannot, truthfully, build a church on a lie.

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November 06 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Priests Publicly Apologize For Being Druids

VirtueOnline broke the story of these two priests practicing after a report in the independent Christian magazine Christianity Today saying the Episcopal Church had officially accepted Wiccan worshipping practices. The story made the front page in the Philadelphia INQUIRER on Friday Nov. 5. VirtueOnline got an honorable mention.

I have today sent this letter to my Bishop. My wife [The Rev. Glyn Lorraine Ruppe-Melnyk] has sent a similar letter:

Dear Bishop,

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November 05 2004 By virtueonline CONNECTICUT: Gay Bingo Held In Episcopal Church

The Norwalk News noted, "It is yet more evidence that 'gay' is not gay. Can you imagine anything drearier and more tiresome than such an evening of "quips, bars and double entendres"? It makes me sad for the people for whom it will indeed be an enjoyable and memorable evening and encourages me to pray harder for them. I know that sounds terribly "pi" but what else can the Christian do?"

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November 05 2004 By virtueonline Reformed Episcopal Church In Formal Talks With Nigerian Anglican Province

The Anglican Church of Nigeria is the largest Province in the Anglican Communion.

Riches said continuing ferment throughout the Anglican Communion was resulting in a renewed need for Anglican convergence and realignment, "occasioned by a radical departure from historic faith and order by many in some of her jurisdictions."

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November 04 2004 By virtueonline BUSH VICTORY A WIN FOR MORAL VALUES

"Moral values" became a positive affirmation of the institution of marriage against its hitherto relentlessly successful same-sex lobby. This was a way to protest the self-congratulatory "coming out" from marriages for same-sex partners and the encouragement and praise for those "coming out" in prep schools, colleges and churches, said Episcopal Bishop C. FitzSimons Allison (SC ret.)

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November 02 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Standing Committee Leaders Blast Bishop Bennison

"Our concern for the finances also extends to the endowments and unrestricted net assets. Money from these accounts (principal and interest) is being used for a portion of the 4 “C”s. As these funds are being used for these purposes, the lingering question is “How much and at what rate, will we be drawing down the money which is presently available for other worthy mission and ministry projects, like our commitment to the poor and marginalized”.

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November 01 2004 By virtueonline CENTRAL PA: Orthodox Priest Forced To Resign By Revisionist Bishop

The parish became aware of Fr. Williams's resignation in the last October issue of the parish's newsletter, THE MESSENGER. A letter from the senior warden Peter Bower dated October 24 informed the parish of clergy who will be supplying in November. He also said he was resigning in good conscience, "since I cannot continue to work or worship under his [Bishop Creighton's] direction."

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