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November 21 2004 By virtueonline Learning Lessons from the Dutch

Today Dutch society is known for its permissive attitude toward social issues, with laws that allow euthanasia, same-sex marriage, widespread use of recreational drugs, prostitution, and adoption by homosexual couples.

Cardinal Simonis said that the best prospect for recovery would come if the younger generation returned to Christian traditions. "That is my hope, and I do see signs that young people are rediscovering the faith," he told a Dutch newspaper.

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November 20 2004 By virtueonline International Coalition For Anglican Orthodoxy Formed

"Only on the basis of those truths can our mission and service to a hurting and needy world flourish. It really is crucial for mission and evangelism that all those of orthodox faith and practice work together and network on a Communion-wide basis. So this is a development I enthusiastically welcome," he told VirtueOnline.

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November 18 2004 By virtueonline Snatching Victory From The Jaws Of Defeat

It has been the long journey of the new religious Magi, setting out, not on a course to Bethlehem but to New York City there to worship The Pluriform One whose largess knows no boundaries and who shall not let himself be offended by African outrage, people yet to come of age in this new post-Christian Episcopal Church that warms to Wiccans, lesbians, sodomites, transgendered deacons, same-sex blessings, rites for same, homoerotic bishops, assorted lesbitransgays and those who would deny 'the

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November 15 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Cathedral Dean Opens Door To Muslims For Worship

"We serve the Episcopal Church, but welcome Christians of every label. We are a Christian community, welcoming people of any faith, or none. Our community is diverse in terms of age, race, gender and orientation. Jesus is our Way, but not to the exclusion of all other paths to God."

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November 14 2004 By virtueonline ECUSA: Executive Council Spins Windsor Report

These words echo those of Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold in his evaluation of the Windsor Report when it first appeared in London on October 18. This is what he said: "Given the emphasis of the Report on difficulties presented by our differing understandings of homosexuality, as Presiding Bishop I am obliged to affirm the presence and positive contribution of gay and lesbian persons to every aspect of the life of our church and in all orders of ministry."

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November 13 2004 By virtueonline SOUTHERN CONE: Ecclesiastical Oversight Will Continue for Orthodox Parishes

Several former ECUSA parishes have successfully sought ecclesiastical protection from the Southern Cone Province after leaving the Episcopal Church. Many more are scheduled to follow their lead.

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November 13 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Bishop Says Anglican Communion Will Never Split

"We may be tempted to bail out [of the Anglican Communion], but we are putting others in dire straits if we do. The fall out is regrettable. But the Anglican Communion will never fall apart. The Windsor Report says that if the Episcopal Church does it [consecrate another gay bishop] the African bishops will take a walk. They can't do that as long as they are in communion with Canterbury and he [Rowan Williams] is in communion with us they can never break off."

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November 11 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Anglo-Catholic Layman Writes Queen Elizabeth

"As Defender of the Faith, and thereby of the Anglican Communion, I ask you to intervene on behalf of us beleaguered Americans. We can no longer abide an 'episcopagan' church that insults and does violence to our faith. Absent your intervention, our options are increasingly limited: acquiesce to paganism or leave to a faithful branch of Christianity."

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November 11 2004 By virtueonline Virtuosity Reports on Major Corruption Within Diocese of Pennsylvania

Also included in this list of stories are tales of the orthodox remnant of believers in this Diocese and their struggle against their bishop.

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November 11 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Bennison Will Not Inhibit Wiccan Clergy

Bennison told the INQUIRER that the diocese was a "safe place for theological experimentation". So what will be the next "theological experimentation"-Mayan human sacrifice rites? But what about orthodox priests like Fr. David Moyer, Fr. David Ousley and Fr. Eddy Rix, it is clearly not a "safe place" for them. Bennison wants them gone and their properties in his control.

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