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October 11 2004 By virtueonline LAMBETH: Report Leak Indicates Griswold In Deep Trouble

"It looks like Griswold is in serious trouble," said the bishop.

Griswold has already seen the report as he will post his response to it immediately after the report is released on October 18 and he has apparently set in motion wheels to prevent wholesale departures from The Episcopal Church.

"He knows it is bad news for him and he wants to get ahead of the orthodox and his revisionist bishops to tighten down the Episcopal Church," said the source.

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October 10 2004 By virtueonline A Modest Proposal for the Future of Anglicanism - by Peter Moore

4. Despite all the words, fragmentation of the Anglican Communion will continue. Indeed it will accelerate at a shocking rate.

5. Without a solution, the Anglican Communion will fragment along north/south, revisionist/traditionalist, rich/poor, liberal/evangelical lines. Lawsuits over property will consume immense energy and resources, leading to greater fragmentation within world Anglicanism.


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October 08 2004 By virtueonline NIGERIA: Rift Between Canterbury And Abuja?

The primate is racing across the country speaking his mind without worrying about the consequences of his words or actions. He apparently doesn't care, because he sees the
US Episcopal Church as irretrievably lost, beyond all hope and lacking the will or theology to repent, therefore the creation of a convocation as a safe place for Nigerian evangelicals is now foremost on his mind.

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October 07 2004 By virtueonline Fifteen Defining Characteristics of Episcopal Fascism

2. Disdain for the recognition of the rights of orthodox Episcopalians and the use of the 1928 Prayer Book because of fear that people might discover it has more truth than the 1979 Prayer Book. Furthermore Episcopalians are persuaded that the rights of the orthodox can be ignored and abused for the "higher" call of change. Revisionists look the other way or even approve of organizations like Via Media and Integrity who abuse orthodox bishops, using threats of presentment.

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October 06 2004 By virtueonline NIGERIA: Primate Rips "New Religion" Of The Episcopal Church

Referring to criticism from US Episcopal Church leaders, Akinola said it doesn't matter what anyone says to us, the truth will prevail. "We are called to love and serve Him. Fire exists for burning. The church exists by mission, a church that fails to do mission is a dead church. We must take the Word of God and proclaim it. The mission of the church is to lead people to salvation. We must be concerned with things eternal not things in time. The word of God is what makes churches grow."

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October 05 2004 By virtueonline BRAZIL: "Primate Is Suffocating Us," Says Orthodox Rector

On September 16, the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil (IEAB), met in an extraordinary session in Porto Alegre, under the presidency of the Primate to discuss the future of the majority evangelical diocese of Recife. This came as unexpected news to Recife evangelical bishop, Robinson Cavalcanti who had just completed a 36-hour return journey from a conference in Malaysia and received the news with less than a day's notice.

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October 02 2004 By virtueonline WASHINGTON: Chane Faces Heat From Akinola. Accedes To Boundary Crossing

But the Nigeria Primate will also be opening a new Nigerian Anglican parish that will not be part of the Diocese of Washington or the Episcopal Church, said the Rev. Al Zadiq, the priest at All Saints'.

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October 02 2004 By virtueonline RECONCILIATION: THE FINAL FANTASY

The mostly revisionist bishops first aligned themselves historically with the past. "Our time together has reminded us of the words spoken at our ordination that our 'heritage is the faith of patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and martyrs, and those of every generation who have looked to God in hope,' and our 'joy is to follow him who came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many'."

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“The Anglican Relief and Development fund is an exciting new partnership between the Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes with the Anglican Churches in the Global South, and with Geneva Global. It will help our Anglican brothers and sisters to help themselves.”

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September 29 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Anglo-Catholic Parish Sees Victory In Court Appeal Against Bishop

The Supreme Court did not have to take the appeal but chose to in this case.

In accepting the appeal the Supreme Court focused the issue on property matters. St. James will contend that The Commonwealth Court decision which had been in favor of the diocese was directly contrary to an earlier Supreme Court precedent.

In framing the question the court asked whether St. James the Less must turn over its property to the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania.

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