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September 02 2004 By virtueonline SOUTHERN CONE: Primate says ECUSA Leader must repent or face music

The archbishop was at the ESSENTIALS 2004 conference in Ottawa recently where Virtuosity interviewed him at length about the Anglican Communion and what might emerge from the Lambeth/Eames Commission and the discipline of Frank Griswold, the Episcopal Church's Presiding Bishop for his consecration of an openly homoerotic bishop to the US episcopacy.

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September 01 2004 By virtueonline OTTAWA: Canadian Anglicans Launch New Organizations for Persecuted Faithful

The Federation will act as an umbrella for all orthodox Canadian Anglicans, bishops, clergy and laity in the Anglican Church of Canada who see themselves as being in impaired communion with their diocese and the national church, said the Rev. Dr. Brett Cane, who sits on the council of ESSENTIALS, a national organization for orthodox Canadian Anglicans.

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August 31 2004 By virtueonline OTTAWA: Anglican Communion Network Dean Calls for Action Now

"When that time does come, we will begin to shape our message and dominate our proclamations with what we are for, not what we are against."

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August 28 2004 By virtueonline LOS ANGELES: Bishop Bruno's Bete Noir

That's the bishop's spin. A reader close to the scene said the rectors of the parishes did indeed go to Diocesan Center on Tuesday morning, and were unable to contact any of the four bishops of this diocese. They did indeed "leave voice messages", which, in this technical-gadget age, was the best that they could do, as no bishops were available (or perhaps willing) to meet them. Driving to the diocese - a distance of some 50 miles - is no small feat when you bear in mind Los Angeles traffic.

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August 26 2004 By virtueonline LOS ANGELES: An Epistle According to Bruno

The Anglican understanding of church governance is based on unity with a bishop in a geographic diocese. I know you will seek to remain faithful to the doctrine, discipline and worship of the Episcopal Church in union with your bishop.

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August 17 2004 By virtueonline LOS ANGELES: Two Orthodox Parishes flee Diocese and ECUSA for Uganda

All Saints’ Church, a biblically orthodox church since 1926, affirms its membership in the Anglican Communion and has formally come under the jurisdictional oversight of the Anglican Province of Uganda in the Diocese of Luweero, thus retaining its membership in the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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The other is a hale fellow, bon vivant, bow tie (when he's not wearing clericals) type who says he's Republican and voted for George W. Bush, but is as lost theologically as Jack Spong. He is an example of a man who, while politically conservative is as loose as a bucket of bolts on moral and theological issues.

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August 15 2004 By virtueonline "Ohio Five" Bishops Condemn Secret Meetings

That is how the Episcopal Church House of Bishops has been operating all these years; and always with the hubris of "graceful conversation", "listening", and the new buzzwords of "inclusivity" and "diversity" filling the air, but in the end agreeing with whatever it is the Presiding Bishop thinks the direction the church should go in.

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August 13 2004 By virtueonline AMIA: Formation of Three New Prishes Announced

“There are a lot of young families moving in, and our people are excited by the opportunities for ministry here,” said the Rev. Christian Ruch, the church's mew priest and pastor. “The opportunity for a church ‘plant’ to have its own building is unusual, but when it became available and we saw that we could actually put something together, we knew that it would be foolish not to go forward.”

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August 12 2004 By virtueonline OKLAHOMA: Bishop makes major gaffe in letter to Pittsburgh Bishop

Moody accused Duncan of assigning the recent graduate of Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry to this parish "as the moderator of the Anglican Communion Network."

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