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July 31 2004 By virtueonline NIGERIA: Primate Blasts New Anglican Communion Appointment - WORLD EXCLUSIVE

"You will recall that when the Primates met in a private session at the Primates' Meeting, Gramado, Brazil, I expressed the view of many of us with regards to how the ACC secretariat was staffed."

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July 30 2004 By virtueonline CONNECTICUT: Bishop Threatens Canonical Initiatives to Orthodox Rectors

The rectors of two other parishes taking part in the joint DEPO request are also under potential discipline from the bishop, having received the same pastoral directive from Bishop Smith via certified letter. He sternly insisted that they meet with him individually at his office. While an original deadline had been set for July 24, conflicting vacation schedules resulted in a delay.

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July 29 2004 By virtueonline COLORADO: Newspaper article provokes heated debate in troubled diocese

Traditionalists say the drop in donations is meant to send a message to the bishop that he must repent of his support of same-sex blessings and practicing gay clergy in the diocese.

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July 29 2004 By virtueonline CENTRAL GULF COAST: The Deconstruction of a Diocese

The Rev. Dr. David McDowell-Fleming thinks he knows what the problems are and he may be right. The priest is no arm-chair systems management wonk. He's an active priest in the diocese and holds a Ph.D. on the whole subject of institutional management. He's also a deeply committed orthodox and Evangelical Catholic priest, a graduate of Duke University Divinity School and General Theological Seminary and he has been in the thick of things in that diocese for more than 17 years.

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July 25 2004 By virtueonline EASTERN MICHIGAN: Three Orthodox Rectors Resign in Diocese. Others weigh options

"It's a disaster," said one of the priests, "the bishop has no idea what he is doing. He just doesn't get it. This is a new diocese and he is its first bishop. He will probably be its last. There is no future here. No gospel is being proclaimed, and in time it will all die. The diocese was formed in the Nineties and already has financial problems."

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July 23 2004 By virtueonline UGANDA: ECUSA Missionary Couple Axed Over Robinson Consecration

"We feel very strongly that God intends for us to remain in Uganda to continue the work we have been doing since 1998. It is clear that we can no longer serve as Appointed Missionaries from ECUSA, but we are assured that the Lord will faithfully provide for our ministry through other means," said Leber in a personal note to Virtuosity.

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July 23 2004 By virtueonline UTAH: Bishop Rejects Heterosexual Marriage, Eulogizes Gay 'Marriage'

"Further, one must look elsewhere than the Bible to support the vague category called "family values." I know of no consistently good "family values" stories in the Hebrew or Christian Scriptures. Support for marriage as we define it hard to find in Scripture, she says.

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July 22 2004 By virtueonline ECUSA: Leading Layman Sees 'Ugly American' Image As The Issue

Writing on the House of Bishops/Deputies listserv, Dr. Crew said he also believes the Episcopal Church will not voluntarily leave the Communion on its own initiative "unless the terms of remaining become intolerable, such as yielding any part of our jurisdiction."

The Integrity founder also said that the TEC will probably participate less and less in forums where abuse occurs, and "collaborate where we are welcome."

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July 20 2004 By virtueonline EASTERN MICHIGAN: 25 Outraged Episcopalians Blast Bishop

"Despite being offensive to those of us who believe that such a relationship is completely contrary to Holy Scripture, it is in complete contradiction to assurances you have made to a number of congregations in meetings since last year’s convention," they wrote.

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July 19 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: The Dark Side of Charles Bennison

He cannot be trusted to keep his promises. When he ran for the office of Bishop Coadjutor, he promised to keep the Parsons Plan for Forward in Faith traditionalist parishes in the diocese. Following his election, he broke that promise.

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