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July 19 2004 By virtueonline Robert Reich's Rhetorical Rubbish

"The true battle will be between modern civilization and anti-modernists; between those who believe in the primacy of the individual and those who believe that human beings owe their allegiance and identity to a higher authority; between those who give priority to life in this world and those who believe that human life is mere preparation for an existence beyond life; between those who believe in science, reason, and logic and those who believe that truth is revealed through Scripture and re

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July 15 2004 By virtueonline Frank Griswold - A History Of Broken Promises

The Episcopal Church in 2004 stands on the edge of being publicly reprimanded if not thrown out of the Anglican Communion for doctrinal and moral infidelity with Griswold himself now personally shunned by the vast majority of African, Asian and Southern Cone Primates.

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July 14 2004 By virtueonline CONNECTICUT: Bishop Orders Six Orthodox Priests To See Him Over DEPO

In an exchange of letters that has clearly crossed the line from "conversation" to "compulsion", Smith sent a terse one paragraph letter to Hansen saying, "In my capacity as canonical overseer, I issue you a Pastoral Directive. You, as Rector of Saint John's Church, Bristol, shall meet with me in my office at Diocesan House, Hartford, Ct. This meeting shall take place on or before July 24, 2004. I expect that you will contact my office to set up an appropriate appointment."

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July 13 2004 By virtueonline Africans Will Leave Anglican Communion Says Church Society Leader

These views were expressed at a meeting called by Anglican Mainstream at General Synod and included various leaders in the Anglican Communion - Greg Venables (Primate of the Southern Cone), Stephen Nyorsok (Bishop of Kitale, Kenya), Peter Rwaboma (Uganda) and Ellis Brust representing the Anglican Communion Network and the American Anglican Council, made a presentation at the meeting.

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July 13 2004 By virtueonline Charles Bennison: "theologian" & "deep thinker" challenged by orthodox

Bennison opened the conversation by saying that there was a serious reduction in pledges throughout the diocese, and that some 70 out of 159 parishes had serious financial problems. He also said that the Diocese of Pennsylvania is over churched in terms of buildings since many parishes were built before modern transportation. He indicated that 40 parishes have less than 40 members.

QUESTION: Isn't the Episcopal Church losing members?

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July 11 2004 By virtueonline COLORADO: Two Priests charge two Bishops with Deception and Perjury

The war of words escalated into the media with the Rocky Mountain News screaming in a headline, "Rift over same-sex ceremonies frays Colorado Episcopal diocese. Clergy exchange volleys as church weighs gay rights."

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July 08 2004 By virtueonline TAC Primate Flexes Muscle In Troubled Anglican Ring

VIRTUOSITY: Why is the TAC necessary?

HEPWORTH: The TAC was formed to care of the 'chuck outs', those who oppose women's ordination. We formed a caring community as a temporary measure for what we do next.

VIRTUOSITY: The Anglican Communion is in crisis, are you trying to take advantage of that?

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July 07 2004 By virtueonline LONG ISLAND: Cathedral Dean Says He Was Fired

"I can assure you that I never tendered it. On June 10 when I was summoned, he continually tried to get me to agree with his position that 'the future of our relationship is untenable'."

Cardone said he shared with the bishop his belief that mature adults could disagree on various issues and still have a working relationship. Evidently that does not apply to him.

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July 06 2004 By virtueonline Lambeth Commission Report set for October 16

The letter from Canon John Peterson head of the Anglican Communion
Office says that the Joint Standing Committee will meet to decide how
the report will be used in an attempt to get it out of the hands of the
Primates into what he hopes will be the more liberal ACC, said the source.

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July 05 2004 By virtueonline NEW HAMPSHIRE: Trad. Anglican Bishop welcomes former Episcopalians

He encouraged the parishes in his Diocese, which includes the six New England States and New York to “reach out to those who are following the same path we have trod in our desire to hold onto our beliefs and stand up for our faith.”

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