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September 13 2004 By virtueonline NEW YORK: "There is No Going Back", says ECUSA Homosexual Bishop

"How absorbed can we be, to be fighting over this when people are dying everywhere?"

"We have allowed the conservative religious right to take our Bible hostage, and I think it is time we took it back," said Robinson.

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September 12 2004 By virtueonline WEST TENNESSEE: Open Warfare Breaks Out Against Orthodox Clergy And Laity

"It seems to me that those who support AAC Mid-South ought to immediately call for the resignation of the national AAC leadership and disavow the stated goal of the organization. If the leadership refuses to resign the members in Memphis ought to quit the organization." Baker said he has been a voice for reconciliation...for staying at the table no matter one's theological position on human sexuality.

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September 11 2004 By virtueonline WILLIAMSPORT: Central PA Bishop Blasts Forward in Faith at Anglo-Catholic Parish

The bishop erupted in anger as he opened the debate, the veneer of niceness quickly evaporated as he launched into a bitter attack on "forces of exclusion" in the Episcopal Church, arguing that he was an orthodox, traditional Christian. "The mainstream is true to the faith handed down to us through the ages," said the bishop. "Forward in Faith does not represent the mainstream. I am characterized as not even being a Christian, which I find an abomination and offensive. I have been maligned.

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September 09 2004 By virtueonline DRAWING THE LINE - Bishops, Theologians say Commission must Discipline ECUSA

1. We write as persons convinced that the only way forward for the continuance of the Communion is for the Primates to exercise some form of discipline upon innovating provinces. The arguments for such a ‘restorative’ discipline, together with concrete suggestions for the shape of that discipline, have been given in previous submissions.

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September 09 2004 By virtueonline THE DAY THE MUSIC DIED

In a blinding flash his wounded ego and his desire for even higher office got destroyed and this quickly translated into ecclesiastical outrage, and the man erupted like Mt. Vesuvius.

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September 09 2004 By virtueonline LONDON: Consecration Sets Precedents For Boundary Crossing

How his appointment differs from that of an English 'flying bishop' (PEV) who does not
have any legal jurisdiction and ministers only with the permission of the Diocesan, remains to be seen.

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September 07 2004 By virtueonline Uganda Primate Says All ECUSA Money is Being Rejected

The problem is one of time, distance and getting timely information from all parts of Uganda where money is being sent, and communication is often very difficult, said a spokesperson in Kampala.

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September 06 2004 By virtueonline OTTAWA: Anglican Ex-Gays Tell Their Stories

But you see it's the 'no matter what' part that is troubling to so many. And for three former homosexuals that included two rectors, one a woman, and a layman the 'no matter what' rings hollow when you listen to their stories of God's saving love and redeeming grace to change and heal.

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September 04 2004 By virtueonline OTTAWA: Canadians and Americans Join Hands. Realignment begins in earnest

"In forming Essentials you were the first to figure out how to put the charismatic, evangelical and Anglo-Catholics together, and when the terrible innovation moved forward in the Diocese of New Westminster, you stood so clearly showing to the world how it could be done," he told a receptive audience.

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The Queen has apparently made it clear to Dr. Rowan Williams that she will not permit the break up of the Anglican Communion over the gay issue, and that Williams must do everything to see that the orthodox are not "penalized" for their views, sources in London told Virtuosity.

Virtuosity was told that Dr. Williams has made it clear that he will come down on the side of unity and will not risk losing the orthodox wing of the church.

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