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September 27 2004 By virtueonline ECUSA: Phony Frank's Reconciliation Redux

It's a bit like ordering a 10-course dinner with fine wines and champagne all around, the captain signaling that all is well with a wave and a salute, as the good ship ECUSA tilts to port, while the band plays on.

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September 25 2004 By virtueonline NEW HAMPSHIRE: Parents Shocked at St. Paul's Hazing

"We were shocked at what our daughter encountered at St. Paul's. You name it-- the kids were trying it, and there was little or no supervision of the coed dorms. The Episcopal chaplain was a lesbian who was very interested in "sharing the pain" of the students. When we finally became enlightened about what was going on, we answered a distress call from our daughter and got her out of there."

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September 25 2004 By virtueonline MISSISSIPPI: Seven orthodox clergy protest NC bishop visit to diocese

The Urban's have since affiliated with the Province of Kenya coming under the spiritual and ecclesiastical authority of Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi.

In a pastoral letter to his diocese, Bishop Curry stated; "From my perspective as bishop, the blessing of the committed life long unions of persons of the same gender is one way our community can live the Gospel through faithful and loving pastoral care and spiritual support for each other."

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September 24 2004 By virtueonline OHIO: Diocesan Bishop Spins Visit to Archbishop of Canterbury

Here is what he said: "We are two new bishops and two established bishops, and together we reflect both the theological and ecclesiological breadth of the American Church. Our desire was first to describe our experiences working toward reconciliation and unity in our respective dioceses and in the American province as a whole, what is contributing to that effort, and what is deterring or undermining it.

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September 21 2004 By virtueonline BECKWITH TO BRUNO: "You no longer have jurisdiction over five priests"

The five priests were recently inhibited with threats to depose them, removing them from their pulpits and take their properties away from them when they upped and left the diocese and The Episcopal Church over the Episcopal Church's departure from the historic faith. All three cases are now in the hands of attorneys and will go before the courts.

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September 21 2004 By virtueonline LEXINGTON: Two Bishops Exchange Letters Over Boundary Crossing

Also present for the occasion was Diane Knippers, president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, and The Rev. David “Doc” Loomis, rector of the Hudson Anglican Fellowship in Ohio and director of the Great Lakes Anglican Renewal church planting group.

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September 19 2004 By virtueonline VIRGINIA: Five Talents Honors Dr. George Carey

Dr. Carey was in Washington to receive the 2004 Award of Vision from Five Talents International, a faith based non-profit organization that is serving the Anglican Communion in its fight against poverty using micro-enterprise development.

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September 19 2004 By virtueonline ACA: ECUSA Must Regain Legitimacy, Orthodoxy And Authority Or Die

The Rt. Rev. George Landberg, Bishop of the Anglican Church in America (ACA) told delegates to the Fellowship of Concerned Churchmen and Festival of Faith that the Robinson affair was not slipped through the cracks against the will of the vast majority of the church by a clever and sneaky minority, but that the majority saw it as no big deal and that good and faithful Anglicans were "bigots" for opposing it.

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September 18 2004 By virtueonline AMiA: Bishop Rodgers Talks about The AMiA, ECUSA & Mission

VIRTUOSITY: Bishop Rodgers, where does the AMIA stand with respect to the proliferation of Continuing Anglican churches?

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September 15 2004 By virtueonline ECUSA: Griswold Makes Desperate Plea For Unity & Ignores His Own Duplicity

He argued for "tolerance", "compassion", "concern for boundaries", "classic Anglicanism" or Anglican comprehensiveness, the "new realities" and "following the Holy Spirit", presuming of course that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth is willing to be "stretched" (another Griswoldianism) to accommodate himself, yet again, to the post modern mind of Frank Griswold.

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