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July 30 2015 By dvirtue NORTH DAKOTA: Episcopal Bishop Refuses to Go Along with US Church on Gay "Marriage"

At its general convention in Utah, the Episcopal Church voted July 1 to rewrite the liturgy to allow such nuptials, changing the phrase "husband and wife" to "the couple," for example. Smith was one of only a few bishops who voted against the change, citing the catechism, which says: "Holy Matrimony is Christian Marriage in which the woman and man enter into a life-long union."

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July 28 2015 By dvirtue Who are America's Transgender Clergy?

Partridge was the first transgender priest to preach at the Episcopal Church's National Cathedral in Washington D.C. where he spoke during "Pride Month" 2014.

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July 27 2015 By dvirtue Why Nigerian Anglican Bishops Have Issues With ACC and Bishop Idowu-Fearon

Ordu spoke yesterday in Port Harcourt at a pre-synod press conference as part of arrangements for the 3rd session of the 2nd Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Evo, which will begin on July 29, 2015, with the theme; "Recapturing the spirit of excellence and integrity in service: The Daniel example".

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July 27 2015 By dvirtue LONG ISLAND, NY: Episcopal Priest shocks flock by leaving wife for younger man

One churchgoer said many parishioners severed ties to the church after Quevedo-Bosch came out as gay at the pulpit a month ago.

“Most of the people aren’t coming anymore,” the elderly woman said. “Because he’s homosexual, people have stopped coming.”

But she said Quevedo-Bosch also has supporters among his flock at the church, which holds Spanish-language services for a largely Hispanic congregation.

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July 26 2015 By dvirtue FT. WORTH, TX: Final Judgment concludes trial-court phase

The trial court's ruling now becomes appealable, and the TEC-affiliated plaintiffs have indicated their intention to ask the Second Court of Appeals for a review. In early August the court is expected to issue an order stating terms that will allow the TEC-affiliated congregation of All Saints', Fort Worth, to remain in the property it now occupies during the duration of the appeal.

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July 21 2015 By dvirtue CENTRAL FLORIDA: Bishop nixes Episcopal Church's Endorsement of Same-Sex Marriage

I feel no need to change my stance regarding my lack of support for the Church approving same-sex marriages, and I plan to uphold the teaching on Holy Matrimony that is reflected both in the Scriptures and in the Book of Common Prayer. That is why I signed the Salt Lake City Statement of the Communion Partner Bishops.

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July 20 2015 By dvirtue ALBANY, NY: Episcopal Bishop will not allow gay marriages in his diocese

I am keenly aware that there are some in the Diocese of Albany who see the above actions as an answer to prayer and believe it is time for this diocese to adopt the views of much of the rest of The Episcopal Church, thus allowing for same gender marriages in local parishes. I know there are some who don't care one way or the other, but just want the fighting and arguments about "sex" to stop.

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July 18 2015 By dvirtue FT. WORTH: ICCA Press Release and Statement

"We look back to the previous Catholic Congresses not with nostalgia, but with a resolve to live out the implications of their prayers, with gratitude for their vision," stated Forward in Faith North America's President, Bishop Keith Ackerman.

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July 17 2015 By dvirtue Dallas Episcopal Bishop Says No Gay Weddings Here On His Watch

One important local institution flying below the gaydar has been the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas. On July 1 the General (national) Convention of the Episcopal Church followed the Supreme Court ruling by voting to allow but not compel its bishops to authorize gay weddings in their dioceses. The very next day Dallas Suffragan (interim) Bishop Paul E. Lambert joined 19 Episcopal and Anglican bishops around the globe in opting out of the new rules on gay marriage in the church.

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July 15 2015 By dvirtue FT. WORTH: Anglo-Catholic Bishop Sets Scene for International Catholic Congress of Anglicans

Thus began decades of events and celebrations in the United Kingdom and the United States of the gathering of Anglo-Catholics who simply wish to worship God, demonstrate solidarity, and tackle issues of a contemporary nature that required the wisdom of the Faith of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

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